8 Tips to Spring Clean your Social Media

8 Tips to Spring Clean your Social Media

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It's that time of year again, spring! Ahhhhh, and also, spring cleaning! We de-clutter our houses, our closets, our backyards, and even our vehicles...BUT have you considered implementing a spring clean to your social media pages?.

The results could have a tremendous effect on the overall functionality and aesthetic of your page, so why not give it a try...

Here are my tips for getting a cleaner, more efficient online presence this season:

-Go in and make sure your branding is clean and consistent across all platforms. (Same logo across sites, company motto & color schemes).

-Archive old images that don't work with your current aesthetic or message.

-Double check that of all your links, buttons and biz info is working properly and up to date. (Link errors are not your friend).

-Upload a new profile picture and cover photo (Fresh, relevant content is important in keeping your audience interested and engaged).

-Fill in any blank categories that are empty, recently added or need revising. (Facebook "Our Story" is one that often gets overlooked).

-Have a friend or employee take a second look and browse your pages to let you know if they notice any errors or confusing items that you may have missed.

-Make sure your "client reviews" are up-to-date. If you don't have recent ones, reach out to your audience and ask for some (Customers often forget to leave a review, but are more than happy to, if they get a nice reminder! Extra bonus points here: this will boost your engagement also! WIN).

-Delete platforms that you aren't using or are unable to maintain a presence on. Just like the old wardrobe rule of thumb goes: If you haven't worn a piece in a year, then its time for it to go.

Outdated sites will deter clients if they land on them, plus have the potential to hurt the look and feel of your current pages.

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